Everything You Need to Know About Taking a TEF Practice Test


Friday | December 22, 2023 | by French Tweets

TEF Practice Test

Starting on the journey to take a TEF (Test d'Évaluation de Français) practice test can be both exciting and nerve-wracking. At French Tweets, we understand the importance of mastering the TEF to achieve your language proficiency goals. We’ll cover all you need to know about taking a TEF practice test in our extensive guide, so you can be sure you're ready to do well.


1. You receive an extra 30 points for learning French as a second language and 12 points if your CLB is a 7. Overall, it earns us 62 points, and a CLB 9 allows one to max out at 74.

2. That’s easier said than done!

3. To appear on the TEF Canada, candidates must have upper intermediate French proficiency, which is equivalent to DELF B2. To get to this level, one must complete at least 600 hours of French instruction in accordance with the DELF guidelines.

4. You must have three to four weeks before the test date if your level is equal to DELF B2.

5. If you have never done anything before, you must go to an upper intermediate level.

6. Thus, institutes do not provide any official TEF Canada courses. You must prepare for it by following DELF guidelines up to the DELF B2 level.

7. For 600 hours of French learning/DELF B2 takes about 1.5 years if done at an extensive pace (depending upon the course being offered).

Our plans for all levels aim to ace your score.

Crafting a well-structured study plan is essential for TEF success. Allocate dedicated time for each section, focusing on strengthening weaker areas while reinforcing strengths.

Utilize official TEF resources at French tweets.

Take advantage of the official TEF study materials provided by our Native Experts. These resources offer authentic test content, allowing you to familiarize yourself with the exam format and question types.

Engage in language immersion.

Immerse yourself in the French language by reading French literature, watching French films, and engaging in conversations with native professionals during the class or even after. The experts are connected to you through and through.  This will help you improve your language abilities and build your confidence.

Simulate test conditions.

Practice under realistic exam conditions to acclimate yourself to the TEF environment. Time management is crucial, so simulate the test's time constraints during practice sessions. French tweets train you to work under Exam conditions.

Understanding the TEF Test

What is the TEF Test?

The TEF Test is a standardized assessment tool for French language proficiency that evaluates your ability to communicate in the language through speaking, listening, reading, and writing. This test, which the Chambre de Commerce et d'Industrie de Paris (CCIP) administers, is well-known worldwide and frequently necessary for immigration, academic, or professional purposes.

Test Format (Includes New Test Format for Listening and Reading)

Understanding the format of the TEF is the first step in mastering it. The test is divided into four sections, each of which evaluates a different language skill:

Listening Comprehension/Compréhension Orale (CO)

This section assesses your ability to understand spoken French in various contexts. Expect audio passages that cover everyday scenarios, academic discussions, and more.

This category, which consists of a total of 40 questions to be answered in 40 minutes and carries a 360-point maximum score, aims to evaluate the test-taker's French-language listening comprehension skills. For CLB Level 7, the test taker must receive a score in the range of 249–279 in order to qualify. 

Speaking Expression/Production Orale (PO)

The speaking section evaluates your oral communication skills. Be prepared to engage in conversations, express opinions, and demonstrate your ability to articulate thoughts in French.

This category contains two topics that can be covered in fifteen minutes. There is a formal scenario about making inquiries and organising information, and there is an informal scenario about persuading a buddy in a made-up circumstance. For CLB Level 7, the test taker must receive a minimum of 310–348 points out of a possible 450 points in this category. 

It is crucial to keep in mind that French grammar has its own unique set of rules, so make sure you have prepared the speaking and writing portions completely before starting the paper.

Reading Comprehension/Compréhension écrite (CE)

This part assesses your proficiency in understanding written French. You'll encounter passages covering diverse topics, ranging from literature to current affairs.

This category has 40 multiple-choice questions (MCQs) with a time constraint of 60 minutes. The questions total 300 points. To receive a Canadian Language Benchmark 7 (CLB 7), the exam taker must receive a minimum of 207–232 points. The test taker is required to read the following instructions and select the best option from the list. 

Writing Expression/Production écrite (PE)

The writing section evaluates your ability to convey ideas in written form. Tasks may include essay writing, summarizing information, or responding to prompts.

This category has a total score of 450 points and gives students 60 minutes to finish writing on two topics in French. Section A of the subcategory is an 80-word piece, whereas Section B is 200 words long. This section, which takes 60 minutes to complete and covers two themes with 450 total points, assesses writing proficiency in French. 

The two themes are as follows: Section A is an 80-word article, and Section B requires the test taker to provide 200 words that either justify or explain their position in a particular scenario. To obtain CLB 7, you must have a minimum of 310–346, or 346 points.

Related Read: DELF A1 French Course

Assessment of the scores:

We now understand what TEF is and how it works, but how are the scores calculated? When it comes to the immigration test, TEF Canada is evaluated using CLB levels, which range from 4 to 10. These levels assess proficiency based on the applicant's scores and level of achievement. The following is a detailed scoring chart: 



Reading (CE)

Writing (PE)

Listening (CO)

Speaking (PO) 





































How to Prepare for the TEF Practice Test

It may take 8-9 months of consistent and focused study to reach the required level with French Tweets, with our strategically planned and DELF-structured curriculum and our team of DALF-certified native professionals. Our classes include integrated TEF preparation along with the B1 and B2 levels to ensure you are well-prepared for the TEF exam.

There is no time limit on how long you can study for the exam and learn the language; nevertheless, 9–10 months is the shortest amount of time you can prepare for it with our strategically designed course plans. You may be a zero level beginner or at some level of proficiency, We have plans for all individuals to write the test at the shortest possible duration. 

Expert Tips for TEF Success

Develop Strong Vocabulary

Building a robust French vocabulary is key to excelling in the TEF. Focus on words relevant to the test content and practice incorporating them into your speech and writing.

Hone your listening skills

Enhance your listening comprehension by regularly listening to French podcasts, news broadcasts, and audio books. This will improve your ability to understand diverse accents and speech patterns. A lot of Speaking Mock tests are available on our YouTube channel

Seek professional guidance.

Consider enlisting the help of a qualified French language tutor or joining French tweets’  language classes. Professional guidance can provide personalised feedback and address specific areas of improvement.

Advanced Strategies for TEF Mastery

Now that you have a solid foundation for understanding the TEF and effective preparation, let's delve into advanced strategies that will set you apart from other test-takers. Connect to one of our team members to receive a free plan to prepare yourself and also know about our upcoming live online classes.

Immersive Language Platform

Incorporate French tweets’s language-learning platform into your daily routine, by following us on all our social media pages. French Tweets provides an efficiently designed study material to help build up your linguistic knowledge base. In order to get access to this study material follow French tweets on Instagram and Twitter, you may also join the Telegram group and/or pin our French learning content through Pinterest as well. In case of any queries, contact us at LinkedIn or write to us at Quora.

These tools provide interactive exercises, quizzes, and real-time feedback, ensuring a dynamic learning experience. French tweets offers TEF-specific modules, allowing you to tailor your practice to the exam's requirements.

Unlocking the Art of Writing

To excel in the writing section, our Experts give you excellent writing strategies to write about any given topics for all parts of the TEF Writing.  We ensure you pay attention to structure, vocabulary usage, and the way arguments are presented. This analytical approach will not only enhance your writing skills but also provide valuable insights into the expectations of the examiners.

Pronunciation Practice

Perfecting Your French Accent / Phonetics

Effective communication in the speaking section involves not only vocabulary and grammar but also accurate pronunciation. In order to attain a good score in TEF/TCF the candidate must possess an upper-intermediate level that is the B2 level in French. To test out which of the levels the candidate stands at, French Tweets has designed mock tests assessing proficiency at each level, commence testing your level here. Once you achieve an upper intermediate level, you just need to prepare for the TEF three to four weeks before the exam date (equal to DELF B2). You only need to mention two things here: 

  •  Book : Test d'evaluation de Francais - 250 activites: Livre (French) by Sylvie Pons (Buy on Amazon)
  • Website: www.Prepmyfuture.com is an official online preparation (in partnership with the PARISIDF Chamber of Commerce) site to check mock-tests. One can even buy modules here. You can familiarize yourself with the pattern of the test.Mock Interviews

Simulating real-life conversations

French tweets puts forward a global team of French and francophone Experts to not only help you read, write and listen but also speak French effectively. With the help of experts here, the learner can gain fluency in accent. Furthermore, in order to practice speaking skills while conversing with other learners just like you, join the Telegram Group or join the Discord server or add French tweets- French Tweets#778 to get an invitation for the same

Tackling time constraints

Strategic Time Management

Recognize that time management is a critical factor in TEF success. Develop strategies to maximize efficiency during the test. For example, in the reading section, quickly skim passages to identify key information before delving into detailed comprehension

RESOURCES ONLINE To enhance your vocabulary and listening skills, go to www.tv5monde.com and select the "learn French" option.  (click on the learn French section. It helps!). The tasks help develop vocabulary across a variety of fields and focus on modern subjects. Here you can choose level specific exercises to Go to https://savoirs.rfi.fr as well. There is a ton of educational material available categorized by subject, culture, or workout kinds. TCF or DELF (various levels).


Incorporating these advanced strategies into your TEF practice test regimen positions you for success on exam day. At French tweets, we are committed to providing you with the most up-to-date and effective strategies to ensure you not only pass the TEF but excel in every section. Best of luck on your language proficiency journey!